Saturday 4 February 2012

Licensed to Grill

The last couple of months has seen my household bid farewell to a few old frypans - a great excuse to purchase a few new ones that I have had my eye on. First, I got a couple super-cute Avanti brand mini pans. One is a mini frypan in blue and the other a mini saucepan in yellow - perfect for toasting small amounts of sesame seeds, frying a small amount of dumplings, making individual but perfectly-sized pancakes and deep-frying using a small amount of oil. (Couldn't find a decent link but if you're in Melbs they had them at that kitcheny shop on Lt Bourke St just near Myer.)

The other toy I bought was something I had been lusting after for months and months. Only costing $20, it wasn't exravagent but I still felt the need to justify its purchase. And I'm so glad I did. The item in question?  A grill pan.

Oh, what fun I have been having grilling stuff. Like that YouTube series "Will It Blend?", it's been kind of like "Will It Grill?" around here lately. Zucchinis, eggplant and mushroom are excellent candidates for grilling, along with bread, polenta and hotdogs. The best, though, is grilled tofu. Somehow the grilling infuses a flavour into the 'fu that is above and beyond its normal taste when cooked in the same sauce.

And Oh! The lines! I love grill lines - they make everything look so so yummy. Here is an example - sauce recipe to be posted in the near future.



  1. I bought a new grill pan a few months back and forgot about it - must try this as have finally tried tofu bacon but saw the mel on veganise this has grill marks on hers and I want to try that - these look great

  2. This looks great! I haven't grilled any slabs of tofu in my grill pan yet as I only bought mine recently. I do love using it to cook up tofu bacon, veggies and it's also fantastic for grilling pita bread.
